Tuesday, November 20, 2007

A bit of a run down

Why is it that I begin blogs at 2 am? Search me.

Here's a little background info to help explain the next post:

I'm straightedge. I always have been. I always will be.
I catch so much crap for it, and it kind of bothers me.
I've never drank alcohol. I don't feel the need to. I go to college with 49,000 people who get drunk every weekend and like to relive their tales on Monday mornings. I look at those people and think "WTF? Don't you have anything better to do?"
I've never smoked. My dad smoked when I was little, so I've always been around it. But I hate it. If I'm at a concert, and you're smoking, and you blow smoke in my face, I will stare at you with my if-only-looks-could-kill expression, and I will proceed to fan the smoke back at your face. I will cough and hack in your face, just to get my point across. Just because you feel the need to blacken your lungs, doesn't mean I want to breathe in that shit too.
And since I'm on the whole schpiel (I so just made up my own spelling for that word), in case you were wondering, my definition of "straightedge" includes not having sex until you're married.
I'm not married, therefore I've never had sex.
These days, saying that is like admitting you have the bubonic plague. I don't know what's so bad about it.
I get ganged up on by people I know (parents included!) interrogating me as to why I don't believe in having sex until you're married.
Should I really have to justify something like that?
This is the part where some of you will go "Of course not Megan! Waiting until marriage is the Christian thing to do!"
Well you know what?
I don't care. That's not my reasoning.
And now for those of you going "Wait, is Megan a Christian?"
No. I don't follow any particular belief. I think men evolved from monkeys. I think homosexuality is 100% acceptable. I don't read the Bible.
To be quite honest with you, I think I found the book Fight Club to be more of a revelation than anything religious I've ever heard/read.
If I hear something I like, I'll believe it. Some things may contradict others, but that's okay. Not everything has to make sense.

Maybe this will help explain the next post. Or maybe it will just make it even more of a mystery to me.

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